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Save money on your shopping in aliexpress!

AliExpress is a popular online marketplace offering affordable prices on a wide variety of products shipped directly from China. But there are tips and tricks to save even more and get the best deals on AliExpress purchases. Here are some smart ways to get more bang for your buck when shopping on AliExpress.


Compare Prices Between Sellers

Don’t just look at the headline price – be sure to compare between different sellers offering the same item. Seller prices can vary significantly, so take the time to shop around for the best deal. The lowest price on the AliExpress search page doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest overall price once shipping is factored in.

Save money on your shopping in aliexpress!

Look for Coupons and Store Discounts

Many AliExpress sellers offer coupons and store discounts to encourage customers to shop with them. Check seller profiles for any available coupons you can apply at checkout. Some sellers issue coupons to customers who favorite or follow their store. AliExpress also offers site-wide coupons during special promotions.


Wait for Sale Periods

Timing your AliExpress purchases right can lead to major savings. Wait for big sale events like the Anniversary Sale in March or Singles Day in November to score discounts of 50% off or more, even on already low-cost items. AliExpress sales offer excellent prices, but you have to be quick to snap up popular items before stock sells out.


Buy in Bulk

Purchasing multiple units of an item is almost always cheaper per piece than buying a single product on AliExpress. Sellers offer quantity discounts to encourage bulk orders, allowing you to get a better per item price. If the product is non-perishable or easy to store, consider buying in bulk.

Save money on your shopping in aliexpress!

Use AliExpress Coupon Browser Extensions

Install browser extensions like AliExpress Cashback from Cashyo that automatically find and apply coupon codes while you shop. This ensures you never miss a working promo code for additional savings on every AliExpress order. The extensions run coupons in the background for you.


Redeem Cash Back

Cashback services like Cashyo give you money back on AliExpress purchases. Simply click through the cashback site before ordering. You’ll get back 3-15% of your purchase price in cash rewards. When combined with AliExpress coupons and sales, cashback offers even more savings.



Comparison shopping, buying in bulk, watching for sales, and using coupons, cashback, and promo codes will help you stretch your budget further when ordering on AliExpress. Follow these tips to become an AliExpress shopping pro.

Save money on your shopping in aliexpress!

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